Winning Projects
We had a record number of applicants this year, and the trustees have chosen to fund 11 projects. Read about them below.
Applications for the 2025 funding round will open in February 2025.

Hawke's Bay Wilding Pine Control Trust
Improving the environment in the Kaweka Range by reducing wilding pine infestation.

Kākābeak/Ngutukākā propagation
This project aims to increase the propagation of the endangered Kākābeak/Ngutukākā through the development of a regional urban seed bank to encourage urban dwellers to plant Ngutukākā in their backyards.

Pest and predator control in the Kaweka Ranges
Pest trapping in the Kaweka Ranges using auto resetting traps to target possums and feral cats.

Protecting the Hawke's Bay Skink
New Project to protect and enhance remnant populations of the Hawke’s Bay Skink found on private land in Waipawa.

Te Heru O Tureia - Tracks and Maintenance
Ngāti Pāhauwera Development Trust-led project to identify, create and clear paths in strategic locations of Te Heru O Tureia to aid field workers in current and future pest management.

House of Science - School Resource Kits
House of Science develops bilingual, hands on science resource kits and loans them to primary and intermediate schools nationwide.

Mohi Bush Rodent Control
Project aims to reduce rodent numbers to aid the breeding success of key species in the area especially Toutouwai and Tititipounamu.

Predator Free Poporangi
Regenerating the health and diversity of the stream environment by the removal/suppression of unwanted predators/pest species.

Save the Dotterels, Hawke's Bay
Support to protect and enhance dotterel species on Hawke's Bay beaches.

Te Wai Mauri Nursery
Funding to improve two areas within the native plant nursery compound to ensure the areas are fit for purpose.

Forest Lifeforce Restoration Trust - 2021
The Forest Lifeforce Restoration Trust is a Charitable Trust established in 2006 to oversee ecological restoration work across 23,000ha of privately owned land, within the Hawke’s Bay hinterland.

Whakatipu Kaitiaki (Raising Future Kaitiaki) programme
Funding received from Pan Pac Environmental Trust has given the Ahuriri Hapū an opportunity to enrich the lives of 50 Rangatahi and their whānau.

Te Huka Waiohinganga (Esk) River Care Group
The establishment of a native plant nursery by Te Huka Waiohinganga (Esk) River Care Group and Maungaharuru-Tangitū Trust that aims to produce up to 10,000 plants a year for local regeneration projects.

Ōtātara Outdoor Learning Centre workshops - 2020
A focus on the future, including sustainability, is a core principle of the New Zealand curriculum across all levels of education.

Te Wai Mauri Trust
Te Wai Mauri Trust has established a nursery adjacent to Waiōhiki Marae. The goal is to build the capabilities of the nursery to produce up to 100,000 seedlings within a three-year timeframe.